Traditions Among the Church Buildings
As I begin to read 1 Corinthians 12 , the words “members, body and Christ” stood out. The Lord reminded me of church buildings in today’s society & how they are structured in operating the church. Most that believe in Christ go to church buildings, when you’re fulfilled with that church’s pastor’s preaching, the ministry for the youth or adults, the events; You become a member of that church. That proceeds with one going in front the church to say “ they believe or want to become a member”. Becoming a member, especially in the Baptist Church I grew up in, you had to go through a new members class & when you were finished you got a certificate saying you completed that class. Similar to how the world functions for school. Becoming a CNA or certified tech you need certification to prove you completed the course in which you were interested in. I thought wow, is this how the church buildings came up with the use of their words.
Not knowing they have it all wrong, we are the body of Christ. Those who believe by Faith in him become members of HIS BODY. As found in chapter 12 of Corinthians, verses 4-6, we as members have diversities of gifts, differences of administrations and diversities of operations of the Kingdom of God, all by the same spirit of Christ; Which is making disciples, going heal, deliver, preach the word of God & so much more the Lord called us to do while we’re here on Earth. The Lord looks at the heart and mind of man, when one believes. He said if we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that God hath raised him from the dead, you shall be saved- Romans 10:9. We then become doers of the word and become to do the works he did in flesh. We didn’t have to become certified by him to be his children. He choose us before we were even born. He called us to be a Holy people and gave us the free gift of grace, welcoming us in. So let us remember for the Husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church ( US): and he is the savior of the body ( US) - Ephesians 5:23